In this episode, Shawn shares with us the secrets of putting the human at the center of everything he does, how to get large companies to authentically innovate, and most of all, why you need to be inspired by a cartoon to overcome your fear and kiss your dragons.

Shawn Nason is the founder of Man On Fire & the Nason Group, which includes MOFI, the Disruptor League, TruthTellers, and The Pink Couch. He's a world recognized expert on both innovation and employee and customer experience. Previously, Shawn was the Chief Experience and Transformation Officer for Healthways and the Chief Innovation Officer for Xavier University. He also worked for six years at The Walt Disney Company. He's the author of the books The Power of Yes! In Innovation and Kiss Your Dragons: Radical Relationships and Bold Heartsets in Changing the World. He challenges the world around him to be fully present, get real, and knock down the barrier that separates the various compartments in their lives. In the world of health care, Shawn’s on a mission to disrupt the status quo by daring changemakers to pour their hearts into their work while doubling down on a commitment to humanize the patient and employee experience. Like the charisma-filled revival preacher he once was, he’s endlessly searching for the next situation to stir up, inspire, and make sure will never be the same. When he’s not out causing trouble in the world, Shawn’s at home with his wife, daughter, son, and two dogs. Unless of course he’s traveling to Lexington to cheer on his beloved Kentucky Wildcats to win yet another national championship.

Silicon Valley based company Innovation Minds takes a crucial step in helping  solve the new challenges of the post-pandemic global workplace by launching this podcast, in which we interviews a diverse offering of business leaders from around the planet on how to use innovation to engage the workforce, as well as how to innovate engagement using technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to humanize relationships in the new distributed workplace.

Innovation Minds is a leader in using AI-driven technology to engage employees through their philosophy of Innovation At the Edge, and decided to launch this podcast to promote the urgent need for engagement at this delicate time.

Guests for our first season include corporate HR leads, world-class consultants, best-selling authors, and employee engagement and innovation experts working across a wide range of industries: Clint Pulver, Themba Chakela Jamie NotterMaddie Grant Delano Johnson Shawn Nason Luke Jamieson Coonoor Behal Jeff Tobe Niven Postma Adriana Bokel Herde Sindhu Joseph and Dickson Tang

You can read more about our season one guests at our website, and sign up for reminders to make sure you never miss an episode.