In this episode, I’m really excited to have as my guest, Mathew Sweezey, the Director of Market Strategy at Salesforce, where he works on the Future of Marketing and delivers that vision to some of the biggest brands in the world like Harley Davidson, Boeing, Shell, and Home Depot.

Mat is considered a pioneer of the marketing automation space and regarded as one of the top minds on the future of Marketing. He is the author of The Context Marketing Revolution and Marketing Automation for Dummies. He also hosted the award-winning mini-series, The Electronic Propaganda Society.

In our discussion, Mat talked to me about:

Marketing is a game based on rules and the rules are changing - we are now in an infinite media environment

How the environment we operate in dictates our behaviour

The new rule book for context-based marketing: Engage your audience with a Vision, then Market-Sell-Build-Market

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

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