Comic author Xane Daniel is a high-energy healer and visionary veteran of the video game industry who is using his imagination to solve the biggest problem in our timeline: the fear based incentive program that we know as the monetary system. Check out his comic Righteous and get inspired by the story of what would happen if humans woke up one day and committed to doing the right thing, forever. We also talk about activating chakras and positive past life traits and Xane's service to humanity as a light-worker.

FIND XANE DANIEL ONLINEConnect with Xane - Read Righteous - Xane’s enlightening presentation at the Awake and Empowered Expo @righteouscomic on Instagram

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THINGS WE TALKED ABOUT...Non-spoiler synopsis of Righteous and Xane’s intention for the storyLate Stage Capitalism and what’s next for humanityFlipping our internal incentive program from fear-based to transcendental loveWhy we shouldn’t judge those who are still in fear-controlled mind-states or those who work for “the system”Spontaneous medium-ship and channeling messages from deceased loved ones How Xane made the leap from his gig as a video game producer to following his dream of writing Righteous and embracing his role as a healerBalancing brain hemispheres and aligning with the energy of moneyDitching the false belief that we are limited“Follow your highest excitement, with no expectation to the results.” Pros & cons of modern video game psychologyA conscious look at Xane’s experience working on Mortal Combat X Growing out of the “scientific materialism” worldviewAligning with the greatest strengths and traits of your previous incarnationTimeline jumping & activating higher consciousness in our crystals
ONLY IN THE PLUS+ EXTENSION (Subscribe!)Becoming the Master of your own Timeline, aka remembering you are a Time-LordLight beings like the Hathors, Arcturians and other Star NationsIdentifying and activating Chakras beyond the crownChanneling knowledge about the protective aspects of the 8th Halo ChakraPondering the 9th through 12th chakras and the fractal dimensions from the Earth Star chakra to SourceLight language and intuitively intoning healing sounds with the throat chakraAssisting other’s soul activation across long distances and timesThe light-worker training program that helped Xane advance his vibrationCherokee ancestry and past lives in the tribesXane activates a selenite crystal for meCrystal consciousness and how they are living beingsWe talk about what we love about comics as a medium


MUSIC IN THIS EPISODEIntro - "Foggy Dreams" by Wisdom Traders Outro - "Alone In The Light" from the Rime OST by David Garcia Diaz 

INTERESTING QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODEOne of my first downloads that I ever received was a message that came from a deceased loved one to another, through me. The message was simply: “You’ve never made a mistake. Ever. In your entire life. Everything you’ve ever done has been perfect, and it’s the reason that you’re exactly where you are, right now. So congratulations, because you did it. And as a matter of fact, you’ll never make a mistake again. You’ll do everything perfectly, to get the lessons and to get the life that you wanted before you even came here. So congratulations in advance for that, too.”“The Chakras beyond the crown are very powerful and they handle a lot of things that are way outside our standard day-to-day.”

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