Dani Katz had me on her excellent podcast, Word Up! Find more Dani Katz here: https://www.danikatz.com

Video of this episode: https://youtu.be/ibF64cNSvZo

The second half of this chat is on her Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pod-drop-alert-2-69339706 and it's extremely your time! One of the best descriptions of "syncromysticism" I have ever articulated.

Show notes:

The body as a vessel of Universal Ether and building a practice that allows us access to this energy through energetic sensitivity and body workThe value of energetic attunementListening to our inner guidance on the pathMapping and tuning the biofieldA force by any other name; The role of emotional blockages, stagnated chi, bio-plasma, electricityOur bodies as containers for the universal Aether and the universal cycles of refinementThe infinite game of chutes and laddersThe material world AS the spirit worldUsing sound in the quantum field anatomyServing Sound as a means of countering the inversion and other mystical paradoxes that can be resolved by nondualityA realm of frequency, vibration and storyWorldview Warfare: a silent weapon for a silent war on hearts and mindsNo right to privacy when it come to our connection to the universal AetherKarmic entanglements with the WORD “karma”The consequence of acting out of alignment with natural orderThe archetype to language pipelineDestiny V Free will: Yes and, please!The alpha numeric crossroads: the erosion of a numerical qualitative orderThe evolution of story and the paradoxical duality cage of the infiniteThe omniscopic and other ginormous concepts that evades languageThe dark and unbalanced dark feminine hysteria and controlRemoving what it is NOT: apophatic tensionFlat Earth Society: Authentic Grassroots organization or installation by three letter alphabet organization?The miraculously unifying elixir of agnosticism and humilityThe limitation of vocabulary and its relationship to slaveryInverting the living language: How the church and UCC have built an empire using dead languageThe tinker bell effect: The engineering of beliefThe syncromystic eye and interpretation of the waking dreamThe unity of the esoteric and shared exoteric dreamDiscovering the individualized imaginative and subjective portal of divinely encoded artSyncretism is to harmonization of universal and energetic origins as syncromysticism is to recognize and engage our own interactive consciousnessSymbolic Literacy: The power and madness of recognizing the hyperdimensional nature of language and symbolsThe never-ending web: With great power comes great responsibility

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