What connects conspiracy research to spiritual work? Ura Soul returns to bring light and share stories of many brave corporate insiders. Revealing the heartless and exploitative areas of our society, we can begin untying the knot that connects our energy to evil and find a healthier continuity for our lives.

“The root to our problems in the whole fractal is the mind trying to deny the emotions.” 

Find Ura Soul OnlineJoin Ureka.orgUra Soul's blog on Steemit The Whistleblowers Series Part 1

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Show Notes & LinksWhy “conspiracy” research and whistleblowers can help us make informed decisions about important life choicesPharmaceutical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry – Link To WhistleblowersTop Drug Company Sales Rep: “I Was Trained to Mislead Doctors And The Public. 'Legal' Drugs Are Inherently Toxic & Dangerous” - Link To WhistleblowerFacebook/Google censorship of groups that question mainstream viewsFor big pharma, there’s no money in healthy people or dead people, but lots of money to make off sick peopleGerman Doctor / Editor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same – Link To WhistleblowerLack of Self-Empowerment as the root of evilDepolarizing the vegan/meat eater mindsetsCIA Whistleblower: Exposing Massive Crime. "The US Congress & Senate Are Controlled By A Real Shadow Government - Working with the 'Deep State'" – Link to WhistleblowerHow compartmentalization of information allows for a powerful secret government with no oversightExposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her – Link to Whistleblower  Hackers expose 9/11 data massively conflicting with the official story

Only In Plus+ (SUBSCRIBE!)Recognizable patterns in false-flag crisis eventsThe connection between AI and demonic entities and the potential for real life super soldier programsRepresentative Democracy Is A Con Game Designed By A Hidden Network of Oligarchs' - A Highly Respected Ivy League Historian Spills The Beans! Tragedy and Hope 101 – Whistleblower LinkThe philosophical reasons democracy is antithetical to freedomThe problem-reaction-solution method employed by social engineersThe hardcore truth about modern education as an imagination destroying system of conditioningPOWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members. - Link to WhistleblowerCorporate use of archetypal symbolism to plant specific ideas in the consumer’s consciousness using McDonalds and Burger King and Isis as examples

Music In This Episode

Intro - Wisdom Traders Outro - Mindful Xpansion

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