Ethan Indigo Smith is a spiritual rebel who helps others find personal sovereignty through his many excellent books on spirituality, meditation and society. The episode focused primarily on the theory and practice of meditation, and is so jam-packed with invaluable insights and terrific techniques that I can hardly believe it all fit into an hour. There are infinite ways to think about nothing, and in this talk we cover some of the most transformative ideas and concepts that one could ever contemplate.

Find Ethan Indigo Smith online:Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Minds You can find Ethan's books on Amazon and they're available for e-readers! And you can also check out his blog at Wake Up World

Books:The Geometry Of Energy: How To Meditate108 Steps To Be In The ZoneThe Little Green Book of Revolution

Episode Topics (View on IP Website)

+ Self-Directed Placebo Effect -> Using Imagination to Learn To Feel One's Internal Energy

+ Evidence that consciousness influences material reality

+ The Universal and Spiritual Language of Mathematics

+ Tricking Your Inner Trickster Into Helping You

+ Transferring the posture of yoga and meditation into life

+ The Geometry of Energy -> Point, Line, Plane, Solid

+ Many ways to Focus on the Point -> Yantras, Mantras, Asanas, Mandalas

+ Opposing the "I don't know/I don't care" culture

+ Ethan's Adventures in Sedona, AZ that inspired him to write The Geometry of Energy

+ The artist as righteous rebel

+ The lost wise monkey called Do No Evil (or Fear No Evil) - He holds his dantien (abdominal region)

+ Changing up postures and practices to prevent discomfort & stagnation

+ The Tai-Chi concept of always moving from our center point

+ The innumerable health and energy benefits of grounding -> connecting your bare feet to the earth

+ Healing human relations through conscious awareness of life's singular unity

+ Wisdom from Bruce Lee: "The stillness within stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest."

+ Practicing calmness in a metaphorical burning building.

+ Mentally, Emotively and Physically posturing yourself for success (practicing this will trick your body into producing good chemicals instead of bad ones).

+ How mindfulness practices help one use less mental energy and therefore feel more rested at all times

+ Getting comfortable with the breaking part of breakthroughs.

+ Infinite methods to think about nothing.

+ Balancing our Self by balancing our breath (inhale, exhale & pause of equal lengths).

+ Mindfully considering the Walter Russell philosophy of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.

Plus+ Extension (Subscribe!)

As if this episode wasn't epic enough already, in the Plus+ Extension we take things from mindful to magical. The real wizards-in-training out there won't want to miss the ideas that come up because a true initiate knows that one's power is only limited by their imagination, so expand yours today by signing up for IP Plus+!


+ Abraxis and the physics of how stillness creates motion, or nothingness creates everythingness.

+ The Secret of 70% & the paradox of Relaxed Effort.

+ Being a seeker instead of a believer.

+ Ethan's history of shifting between life in New York and life far out in the country.

+ Maintaining the perspective of the outsider to cultivate awareness of awareness.

+ Practicing your ability to feel Chi, which is your life force energy.

+ Expanding the boundaries of the imagination as it correlates to increases in consciousness.

+ Getting into the physical posture that supports your desired mental posture, like making yourself smile more, or using mudras (hand gestures that impact your meridians and mindstates).

+ Buddhist monks doing Tai-Chi long forms with their hands to reduce the suffering and ignorance of others

+ The hands as a microcosmic representation of the body.

+ The infinite distance between ourselves and perfection, and the journey that never ends.

Music in this EpisodeSeamoon - The Center of the Mandala Symbolico - Symbolic Expression

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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