Stephen Reid is the Founder of the UK’s Psychedelic Society, an amazing organisation advocating for the conscious use of psychedelics in the UK.

It is currently campaigning for the rescheduling of psilocybin (that’s magic mushrooms) to treat people with depression.

Since I took my own excursion down to Peru a couple of years ago to take ayahuasca I’ve been fascinated about the healing properties of psychedelics.

When I was down there I saw so much amazing healing and revelation that now I see the ceremonial and proper usage of psychedelics as such a vital thing for many people.

I find its always really interesting to talk about psychedelics with people because it brings up so many different perspectives and opinions, especially when there is relatively little info out there.

So I wanted to ask Stephen all about his perspective, what the real deal on psychedelics is, and whether its all a government conspiracy to keep us under control.

See what you think!