Nick Mulvey is someone who’s been at the top of my Spotify playlists for years now and someone I’ve followed right from his early EPs back in 2014.

His debut album First Mind was an amazing release that got a Mercury Prize nomination but its his second album – Wake Up Now – released last year that really showed a big shift in his personal vulnerability and willingness to address deep issues.

The album explores a lot of really profound topics on what it means to be human and what it means to be truly alive. Talking about themes like awakening, being present, being mindful and our response to the refugee crisis.

It was a big departure from some of the safer territory of traditional singer-songwriters and showed both a big step in terms of personal vulnerability but also trailblazing a way into more conscious music making.

In this talk we spoke about what was going on inside his head between the albums, what that journey of ever deeper personal vulnerability in the music is like, and how he feels now its come out.