Sex addiction.

Some people don’t think it’s a real thing.

Others conjure up images of creepy men in trench coats at playgrounds.

Other people see it as an aspiration. “Too much sex? I’d love to have THAT problem…”

Up until five years ago, Dominick Quartuccio, didn't think about it too much either. A blistering success in corporate America, he only started to question himself as his desires led to the tragic breakdown of his relationship.

Determined to face things head on, he went through intensive therapy, 4 years of sex addicts anonymous, and a whole raft of inner work to go deeper into understanding the condition. 

Now, in one of his first public interviews, we talk about the making of a sex addict. 

In this incredibly courageous discussion, Dominick helped make sense of:

- the events and conditions of his early years that created a secret private life
- his private and public lives that he helped apart for decades 
- the collateral damage to the relationships in his life
- what it was like going to his first 12 step meeting
- the underlying problems we face for men, women, and wider society

Men - If you’ve ever felt elements of your sex life are secretive, chaotic, wrong, burdened by guilt/shame or escalating in a troublesome way… I think you'll will find many answers, comfort and relief in Dom's story.

Women - If you’ve ever been with a man who seems sexually/emotionally/intimately distant, and you can’t seem to penetrate his walls, context aplenty can be found here.