How would you fancy 10 days sat crossed-legged, meditating 10 hours a day, in silence?

No phone, no journal, and no mates. Just you and your thoughts for company.

Sounds like hell right?

It’s got a fancy name – ‘Vipassana’ – but I like to call it the ’10 day suffer fest’.

Vipassana means to ‘see reality as it is’ and in that regard, it definitely delivers.

A ridiculously hard but insanely rewarding experience, Vipassana will show you things about yourself and the nature of reality that can take decades to figure out in the real world.

In this week’s pod I talk about my comedic and mostly unbearable foray into this unique self-discovery experience.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

What Vipassanna is and what it involves; How 10 days feels sat in the same spot; Why all pain is in the mind + how you can transcend it; How you can uncover unhelpful thought patterns/beliefs + nuke them; What life-changing insights the experience gives you; and The god-like super powers you get from Vipassana

With poisonous snakes, emotional tantrums, and an unhealthy dose of cloud animal spotting, this is an ambitious attempt to persuade you to consider do something rather radical – spend an awful lot of time with yourself.
