We welcome Matthias Berninger, Senior Vice President Public Affairs and Sustainability at Bayer and explore with him the role companies can play in transforming the global food system. And, to what extent the activities of Bayer and the Monsanto business it bought in 2018, enable or contradict its efforts to improve biodiversity and sustainability. 

About Matthias Berninger

Matthias has over 30 years of experience in sustainability and knows politics and industry inside out. He was elected four times as a Member of the German Federal Parliament for the Green Party and following his time in politics, he joined the Mars company and then in 2019 joined Bayer, a life science company in the area of healthcare and agriculture.  

About Matthias: linkedin / twitter 

About the Inner Green Deal

The Inner Green Deal podcast, a podcast for exploring compassionate and sustainable leadership is an effort of Awaris and the Inner Green Deal initiative. If you would like to support or start a dialogue with us, please reach out to us here. 

UN initiative to change the Global Food System

The Inner Green Deal is collaborating with the United Nations Development Programme on their Conscious Food Systems Alliance  to explore how mindset, consciousness and inner qualities can help to transform the food system from within. If you are also interested to partner with the UN on this vital initiative, do contact us.  

Reflective questions for this episode:

For this episode we invite you to contemplate together with us on theses questions:

How can I become more aware of the carbon food-print of the food that I eat?
To what extent do my professional activities impact biodiversity?
What simple things could I change to improve my carbon footprint and impact on biodiversity?


About Bayer's sustainability efforts 

COP26 outcome from Matthias 

Bayer's ranking on the Food & Agriculture Benchmark by the World Benchmarking Alliance 


The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit initiative of training and leadership development company Awaris. The Inner Green Deal is in the process of establishing itself as a separate and independent non-profit initiative. Neither the Inner Green Deal nor this podcast episode has been funded by Bayer.


Intro song "the Inner Green Deal" by WayUpNorth. Made with compassion and active hope. From Brussels, Cologne and Hamburg, your team of the Inner Green Deal podcast.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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