Bernd Biervert is Head of Unit at the European Commissions’ Research & Innovation Directorate.

I ask Bernd about the scope of the European Green Deal and what we can expect over the next 5 to 10 years. 

From Bernd’s replies you get a glimpse of what it takes to bring change at societal level. Which is fascinating. 

In the media there is a tendency to glorify entrepreneurs who address specific needs some of which are social, which is of course wonderful but it’s becoming clear that we need large-scale systemic change to address systemic problems.

And this is the terrain of the European Commission. The Commission initiates laws, regulations and fiscal policies that drive systemic change across the Continent. 

The question is, can it do so fast enough and can it convince leaders of Member States to embrace the necessary change?

Listen to Bernd as he talks about the vision, the courage and the endurance that is needed to drive systemic change.

For more on the EU and the European Green Deal go to:

The European Green Deal
DG RTD: EU Research & Innovation