In this episode, we are welcoming Jamie Bristow. He is the former director of the Mindfulness

Initiative, a policy institute which was born out of a mindfulness teaching programme in the British Parliament. 

Though he is still involved with the initiative, his main focus is now on sustainability work across various organisations. We spoke to him about his journey, the role of mindfulness in politics and how the climate crisis is, at heart, a crisis of relationship.

About the Report "Reconnection: meeting the climate crisis inside out"

The report explores the role of mindfulness and compassion in addressing the climate crisis. Written by Jamie Bristow, Rosie Bell and Professor Christine Wamsler of Lund University. To read the report download a free copy here:

About the Mindfulness Initiative

The Mindfulness Initiative bridges contemplative practice and public policy, championing the inner dimension of social change. More information about the Initiative can be found here:

About the Inner Development Goals

The Inner Development Goals seeks to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through inner development. More information about the Inner Development Goals can be found here:

About the Inner Green Deal 

The Inner Green Deal is a leadership development organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world.  

Its mission is to accelerate the green transformation through inner development, reconnection to nature and collaboration.  

The Inner Green Deal works with large systemic organisations such as the EU and the UN as well as with community leaders and facilitators.  

The organisation is incorporated in Germany as a non-profit (gGmbH). To sustain the wide range of programs and community activities, we welcome donations as well as funding for specific activities. If you are in a position to support us, please write to [email protected].  

About the Podcast 

This podcast episode was recorded by Tom Weimann in the fall of 2022. It was edited by Tamsin Walker and narrated by Jeroen Janss. It contains original music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann. For more information, please send an email to [email protected]

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