Ghislaine Maxwell Scotty David Blues, by Matthew Russell Lee, #MaximumMaxwell 5 Mar 2022  Who wouldn't want to judge Ghislaine?  And maybe make up for some earlier pain But being on a jury is not a game And if Maxwell goes free Scotty David'll get the blame On Instagram he was the Traveling Bear Shirtless and hairy, seemingly without a care But now looming large, a sworn witness chair Live by the, die by the, media glare He got the OK to talk from the Carlyle Group His video interview in an infinite loop The British press bragged that they got the scoop Others ask how low pedophiles stoop  Book, Maximum Maxwell In Maxwell Case Juror Scotty David Plans To Invoke 5th Amendment But Defense Now Asks Why By Matthew Russell Lee Patreon Song Video Ruling BBC - Decrypt - LightRead - Radio - Podcast Letter  SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 2 – Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with six counts of sex trafficking and other charges, was on December 29 found guilty on five of the six counts. Inner City Press, which asked Judge Alison J. Nathan for a public call-in line and unsealing of exhibits throughout, live tweeted it here.  After juror "Scotty David" gave interviews, social media accounts went down, but Inner City Press kept digging, first publishing the information here, now below.  There's day for questioning of Scotty David: March 8. But will his statement that he only spoke out after getting the OK from his employer, the Carlyle Group, be inquired into? And docketed March 2, this: "Re: United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell, 20 Cr. 330 (AJN) Dear Judge Nathan: By letter dated March 1, 2022, counsel for Juror 50 informed the Court that Juror 50 will invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination at the hearing scheduled for March 8, 2022. The Government writes to notify the Court that it is in the process of seeking internal approval to seek an order, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 6002 and 6003, compelling Juror 50’s testimony at the hearing. The Government will, subject to internal approval, submit a proposed order to the Court in advance of the hearing. Respectfully submitted, DAMIAN WILLIAMS United States Attorney."  So, immunity?  Look ahead: Tom Barrack / UAE (abstained on Ukraine)