Goldman Sachs Jho Low Malaysia Blues, by Matthew Russell Lee, Inner City Press, Feb 27, 2022  

He was the man from Goldman Sachs Stealing money for a yacht and everything he thinks he lacks To float fraudulent bond he said what he had to say Then he got a deal with the DOJ  

Tim Leissner flew around in Jho Lot's jet And he still hasn't done commensurate time in jail yet Singing on the stand for a week in the EDNY Morning and afternoon some say all he does is lie  

But where you ask in the world is Mr. Jho Low? And why is Malaysian Roger Ng in the dock solo? Low gave the people's money to the UN And given their corruption they'll never see that money again  



"The Weasel of Wall Street, In a Time of War"  Malaysia Missing in UN Ukraine Clown Show As Kimona Lee Simmons Emails Blocked Like Blog by UN By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN-  Review  UN GATE / PACER, Feb 27 -- Malaysia, whose people were victims of the 1MBD scam of Jho Low and Goldman Sachs, was strangely silence in the UN, on Ukraine.    Not among the 82 sponsors of Friday's doomed Security Council resolution; silent at Sunday's supposedly significant referral to the toothless UN General Assembly, at least twice in recent years bought by Chinese government bribes.     Kurt went east to the UN he was banned from, to see. At least on Saturday near dusk, there were no protesters, or rallies, or anything. The UN was irrelevant, but the correspondents they let in never said it. It was a shell game, like 1 MDB.     On 43rd Street Kurt passed Malaysia' Mission to the UN, where before being thrown out of the UN he had attended a number of good food, no liquor diplomatic receptions, often ending up in the yard at the back of the first floor with diplomats, eating spring rolls and satay from plastic faux porcelain plates.    It was locked up on Saturday, a stack of Wall Street Journals in front. On the front page was the Ukraine story, as it was everywhere, including on newsstands next to the NY Post and Daily News in a Chinese newspaper screaming, "SWIFT!"    The SWIFT threat was to cut Russia off from the global financial system. Now Putin said he was putting Russia's nuclear deterrent force on alert. It was coming to this.     Kurt wrote a second song about 1MDB, about Tim Leissner to be precise, making a rhyme with lying but not yet scapegoat. Sachs and shacks rhymed well. He held off putting the song online, in favor of one about the UN's ongoing failure on Ukraine. Sunday's UN meeting was even more of a clown show.     The claim was that referring the Ukraine issue to the UN General Assembly would do something. But UNGA routinely condemned issues from Cuba to the Middle East, with no effect at all. And in fact US administrations of both parties routinely dismissed UNGA votes where they were in the miniscule minority. Now they were bragging about this referral. The UN was more than a clown show - it was a joke.