Meet Jeff Koziatek: 

For years he juggled…literally he was a juggler, entertaining people around the world.  

He worked as hard and as often as he could until he realized his profession as a juggler was the perfect symbolism for what he was doing with his life as a whole.

When he entered his forties, he was constantly on the road, working faster, juggling more, and falling behind. He was consumed by his performances and defined success as a jam-packed calendar.

As a result his marriage was suffering, his health was suffering, and he felt no matter how many balls he threw in the air, it was never enough. It was only a matter of time before everything would hit the floor.

In that place, he began to shift his identity from performance to performer, from behavior to human being. He discovered the power and freedom of personal worth, redefined success, and a new journey began – one of health, prosperity, and balance.

Now he is a highly sought-after speaker, award-winning performer, bestselling author, and certified coach with both The Values Conversation and the John Maxwell TEAM.

What I love about Jeff is his absolute dedication to supporting as many people as possible live the life they truly want to live and NOT the life they think they should be living.

He is one of the most authentic, inspiring and wise people I have ever met. 

So buckle up this is going to be a good one!


Connect with Jeff:

Instagram: @Coreauthenticity


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