Meet Jane Finette

Jane is the Founder and Executive Director of The Coaching Fellowship, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of young women leaders in social change. A leadership expert and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Jane has dedicated her life to achieving equality for women — empowering them to create impact and build the world of tomorrow, today.

A 2020 Women Forward Gold Award winner from the Business Council for Peace, Jane’s passion, expertise, and two decades of experience is anchored at the intersection of technology and human potential. At her core, she empowers individuals and communities to solve the world's largest, most persistent, and perennial problems. 

And recently, as COVID swept the globe, Jane found herself at home like everyone else and consumed news. She didn’t like what she saw—women leaving the workforce in droves and spikes in domestic violence—trends that continue today. 

Mired in despair, she acted by writing her first book, Unlocked—How Empowered Women Empower Women.* It’s Part inspirational true stories about women who helped other women succeed, and part practical toolkit.

What I love about Jane is that she has dedicated her life to creating a world that works for everyone. She is standing up for something that should be a basic human right, equality... but it isn’t and hasn’t been for thousands of years. And despite the tremendous challenge of taking on such a deeply ingrained institutional and societal issue… Jane’s message is one of hope. She brings the tremendously rare combination of passion, kindness and wisdom to her work. 

Spend even a little bit of time in her presence and you will not be reminded of the truth of who you really are, but empowered to live that truth to create the life and the world you have always dreamed of. 

Connect with Jane:

Personal Website

Nonprofit  The Coaching Fellowship



Book Site 



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