
[9:35] Turning cultures around

[18:25] Understanding the other side

[37:30] How to be more civil


Meet Yonason Goldson


Yonason is an Ethics ninja | Keynote and TEDx speaker | Leadership coach and trainer | Podcast host | Columnist and author | and has been known affectionately as the Hitchhiking rabbi.

He is the director of Ethical Imperatives, LLC, and works with leaders to create a culture of ethics that builds trust, sparks initiative, and drives productivity.  Yonason has published hundreds of articles applying ancient rabbinic wisdom to the challenges of the modern secular world. And he’s written six books, most recently “Grappling with the Gray: an ethical handbook for personal success and business prosperity.”

He’s also the co-hosts of the amazing podcast The Rabbi and the Shrink, discussing ethical perspectives and strategies for developing healthier relationships that lead to personal and professional success.  


What I love about Yonason is that he is a beacon of what’s possible in terms of shifting the challenging, divisive or controversial topics that most of us are taught to avoid at all coast, into the very hotbed for understanding, appreciation and deeper connections with our fellow humans. 

His work magically combines ancient insights from 3000 years of wisdom, with his own unbelievable personal stories from a lifetime of service and adventure, to provide a road map to create real success at the deepest levels for individuals and organizations alike. 


Connect with Yonason: 










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