
[4:30] Internal happiness

[26:50] Power of process

[36:50] Marcus' morning routine


Meet Marcus Chan: 

Marcus Chan is the Founder of Venli Consulting Group. He helps B2B sales professionals sell more and sell better without needing years of experience through his coaching and training programs. Marcus is an executive member on the Forbes Business Council, is a 2020 Top Voice on LinkedIn, and has been featured in Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, MarketWatch and NBC.


What I love about Marcus is that he is a literal example of the American dream. Born to immigrant parents, he grew up learning the value of hard work, perseverance and adaptability.


He put himself through college, and when he entered the corporate world, he started at the very bottom. Over the next 14+ years He worked his way up to being a top performer in two different fortune 500 companies, was promoted 10X in 10 years, won countless awards and was ranked in the top percentile of top performers every single year.


And for most of that time he was leading very large teams, and training hundreds of people each year.


But here is where it gets really exciting. He recently left corporate America to start his own business and is now on a mission to help one million people sell and earn 50-100% more than they are now. 


Why this episode is important to you? Well, the fact is that we are all in the business of sales. We are constantly in the process of selling our ideas not only to our potential clients, but to our spouses, children, friends, and possibly most importantly of all, to ourselves.


Bottom line: understanding the art of selling is going to take you higher and get you there faster than almost any other skill.


So no matter where you are on your journey, if you are serious about taking your business and your life to the next level, this is the episode for you.


Connect with Marcus:

LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/marcuschanmba

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealmarcuschan

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealmarcuschan/

Free Training: www.marcuschan.io/webinar




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