
[8:55] Path finding 

[24:20] Necessary networking 

[41:04] Real listening and connection


Meet Tom Broxham:


Tom is the founder of Broxham-Network.


His motto is today’s connection is tomorrow's opportunity. He is a public speaker, facilitator, avid outdoorsman, father and cheesecake lover!


Tom’s story is both chilling and deeply inspirational. At the age of 3, he drowned… and if it wasn’t for his dad performing CPR on him he wouldn’t be here today.


But that unfortunately was just the beginning... as bullies tried to drown him at the ages of 8 and again at 13. 


Understandably, coming through these experiences his personal confidence and general sense of trust in the world were completely shattered.


Public speaking, swimming, and connecting with people were all skills he learnt as an adult. These were 3 of his biggest fears. 


What I love about Tom is that his story is a true example of the hero’s journey. He could have easily shied away from facing his fears, but that’s not what he did. He chose to face them head on and eventually turned them all into passions.


He now dedicates his life to helping people overcome their fears: specifically in the areas of networking, making connections and building relationships and ultimately creating opportunities anywhere.


Let’s face it, creating the life we truly want means we are going to have to confront our fears and putting ourselves out there.  And that takes courage.


It also takes support, new skills and the ongoing inspiration that it can be done. And that is what Tom is all about.


Connect with Tom: 






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