
[6:20] Writing and Self-Reflection

[19:00] The Power of Storytelling

[30:00] Holy Cocktails and the Power of Words


Meet Deborah Ager


As a writing coach, the CEO of Radiant Media Labs, and Founder of the Stories That Sell Mastermind, Deborah guides entrepreneurs to have more impact and influence by writing their own anti-boring content that converts. She combines her experience with teaching creative writing at university, her professional coaching education, and her practical marketing knowledge to help her clients feel more joyful with the writing process. 


Her writing has appeared in The Week, The Tablet, Narratively—and in books published by Bloomsbury, McGraw Hill and Pearson. Oxford University Press included two of her poems in the GCSE test booklets used by high schoolers across the UK. And the literary magazine she founded, 32 Poems Magazine, is carried in libraries at Harvard, Yale, Brown, and others.


Bottom line: When it comes to the written word, Deborah is a true powerhouse.


What I love about Deborah is that she is on a mission to help as many people as possible not only unlock their ability to use words to effectively tell their stories, write their books, and grow their business but to actually enjoy the process.


So much of success ultimately comes down to being able to clearly articulate what it is you want, what it is you do, what it is you stand for, and why all of that is important to the people that you want to serve.

Whether you are wanting to write a book, create content that converts, clarify your personal mission, or simply cultivate your overall creativity, this is the episode for you.


Connect with Deborah: 


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahager/

Clubhouse: @deborahager

Free Anti-Boring Content Club at https://www.facebook.com/groups/storytellingmessaging




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