
[8:23] Metrics of Significance 


[25:40] FEELING gratitude 


[39:40] Redefining Exceptional 


Meet Kevin Monroe: 


Kevin is the founder of This Extraordinary Life Global Community as well as the host of the amazing podcast of the same name.


From adolescence, Kevin had a burning desire to make the world a better place.  Alongside that desire, was a feeling of being extremely ordinary and not possessing any exceptional talent or ability. 


Through the years, he discovered that most of the 7.8 billion occupants of the earth feel like him. Ordinary. 


A few years ago, he realized that living an extraordinary life isn’t a matter of chance. It’s a matter of choice. Choices we make every single day…every moment…and every encounter of our lives. 


The extraordinary life is not out there — an elusive quest somewhere over the rainbow. It’s here. Now. Our lives become extraordinary as a result of doing lots of little (ordinary) things with extra focus, fervor, and flair. 


Kevin began conducting experiments and hosting events to help people from around the world also discover their path to an extraordinary life. 


That led him to launch This ExtraOrdinary Life, a global community of like-hearted people choosing to explore, embrace, and express extraordinary lives one day, one moment, one encounter at a time. Join us at www.thisextraordinary.life


What I love about Kevin is that he is a truly bright light, who generously radiates gratitude and kindness with every cell of his body. To be in his presence is to get an undeniable glimpse of 

what’s possible for ourselves and our world. And spending even a little time with him is a beautiful reminder of who we ALL really are, at our core.


So buckle up… this is going to be a good one!




Connect with Kevin: 






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