

[8:10] Getting Unstuck from Anything

[16:55] What happens when someone hates their job

[34:50] Balancing your happiness


Meet Jessica Sweet: 


Jessica is a CPCC, certified professional Career Coach…  she focuses on helping midlife professionals get unstuck from bad and boring jobs but her expertise applies to all ages. With a background in psychotherapy and 12 years of experience as a career coach, she helps clients find strategies that work in their career as well as the root causes of issues that might be holding them back.  Her work largely focuses on helping people figure out what their next chapter looks like - whether it’s a career pivot, leveling up, or moving out of a toxic situation. 

She has written for/or been featured in places like The Huffington Post, The Brazen Careerist, CNBC, Business Insider, Forbes, FastCompany and more. 

NOW… Getting stuck is something that so many of us run into in our lives… In our careers, relationships, our health, or just our growth overall. There are those rare few who know what they want to do and why they want to do it from a very early age and that is great for them. There are even fewer who have been able to do this for all areas of their lives. But for the giant majority of us… figuring out what we want to do, why we want to do that and how we want to do it is a lifelong journey. And if we are not careful we can lose years being stuck in careers, jobs, relationships, etc that are simply not serving our deepest calling. 

What I love about Jessica is that she is focused on making sure that when that happens, when you find yourself stuck, you have the tools, support and confidence to make the changes you need to create the life you really want.

So buckle up…. this is going to be a good one.


Connect with Jessica: 






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