With a current mindset, it’s hard to see the opportunities of a jobless world created through the growth of pervasive and ever-smarter automation technologies. Commentators will often focus on the challenge presented to economies and welfare systems of high unemployment driven by technological shifts. But what if the politically-driven economic paradigm of seeking 100% employment shifts? Are there opportunities as well as risks to a world transitioning towards a jobless future?

To discuss the Opportunities and Threats of a Jobless World I am very pleased to welcome strategic communicator and futurist Gina Clifford back to the podcast.

You can learn more about Gina and her work by contacting and connecting with her as follows:

Email [email protected]

LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/ginaclifford

Twitter twitter.com/G1naClifford

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/characters-jobs-work-fun-career-1372458

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