Artificial Intelligence is a concept of building a machine capable of thinking, acting, and learning like humans. There is some debate about what Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) actually is – or could be - and even if something approaching AGI is achievable or even desirable. But let’s go with this: AGI is the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can.

So in this episode of the podcast, I want to take stock of where we are in the development of AGI, the ethical considerations, and the possibilities that achievement of AGI may present to society in the future.

To have this discussion, I am delighted to welcome back to the podcast futurist speaker, analyst, commentator, and author David Wood.

You can learn more about David and his work as follows:



London Futurists

Future Surge:

London Futurists Podcast:


Vital Foresight – The Case for Active Transhumanism (available on Amazon)

The Singularity Principles - Anticipating and Managing Cataclysmically Disruptive Technologies (Pre-publication review) 

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