Over a period of time, the time we spend with family and friends over Christmas develops its own tradition. Like all traditions, there is evolution, but rather than look back, I wanted to look forward – to Christmas 2040. So in a festive mini-series, I will post a short episode of the podcast each day between Monday 20th and Christmas Day.

I have been speaking to six brilliant futurist friends of the podcast to explore what they think Christmas in 2040 might be like and I am eternally grateful to Rob Caldera, Gina Clifford, Sylvia Gallusser, Joana Lenkova, Alexandra Whittington, and Rohit Talwar for sharing their time and ideas with me.

You can learn more about me and my work by connecting with me as follows:

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/steve-wells-futurist-speaker

Twitter: twitter.com/informingchoice

Articles and Media: informingchoices.blogspot.com

YouTube InformingChoices

Website: stevewells.uk

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/christmas-christmas-tree-stars-4631718

Music Credits:

Intro https://pixabay.com/music/christmas-christmas-story-10783

Outro https://pixabay.com/music/christmas-holiday-is-coming-11852

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