What do Barbados, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, Lithuania, Moldova, New Zealand, Samoa, Serbia, Sweden, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia have in common? As of May 2022, they all have women as their Prime Minister / Head of the Nation’s Executive. And many other countries have also seen multiple occasions when women have led their respective governments.

The questions is, how does global society build on these notable successes and extend the representation of women across society for the good of all humanity, into the future? And how might technology support the empowerment of women to achieve their potential?

To discuss Empowering Women Through FEMTECH, I am honoured to welcome Moroccan based Doctor Hynd Bouhia to the podcast. Hynd has accumulated more than 20 years of experience in Finance and Strategy and is now on a mission to empower a billion girls and women around the world to grow confident, resilient, tech-savvy and financially free.

You can learn more about Hynd and her work by contacting and connecting with her as follows:

Email [email protected]

LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/hynd-bouhia-phd-0289a3a3

Web www.balmethod.com

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/suit-business-sw-women-attractive-2991514