Speak with a futurist and at some point you may well hear the notion that foresight generally and scenario development specifically are not designed to create prediction but to help describe what might happen in the future.

Futurist Sylvia Gallusser points out that in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, the ghost of Christmas yet to come explains to Scrooge how the future is not set, and that we can set our journey into future by adapting our actions now. Perhaps Dickens was a futurist! With that in mind, in this festive episode of the Informing Choices Mini-Pod, Sylvia explores Christmas in 2040 through four scenarios. The question is, which is your favourite?

You can learn more about Sylvia and her work by connecting with her as follows:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sylvialeroux

Blog: siliconhumanism.home.blog

Grey Swan Guild: linkedin.com/company/grey-swan-guild

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Music Credits:

Intro https://pixabay.com/music/christmas-christmas-story-10783

Outro https://pixabay.com/music/christmas-holiday-is-coming-11852