Title: Security Friends
This is a “special” Holiday episode of the Information Security Podcast which features host Rob Nettgen (@Robert_Nettgen) along with a special group of “Security Friends”.  The conversation is lively and entertaining with commentary on a number of recent cyber security news events.
Please join the Security Friends as the Information Security Podcast celebrates the end of 2019 and looks forward to the start of 2020.
Following this episode, we will be taking a short break for the Holidays and will return with a new episode of the Information Security Podcast on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.
Happy Holidays from the Information Security Podcast!
Sponsored By:
ASMGi (@ASMGi_CLE) and https://www.asmgi.com/
Briteskies (@NoBrownCow) and https://www.briteskies.com/
Recorded and Production By:
Evergreen Podcasts (@StreamEvergreen) at https://evergreenpodcasts.com/ and production assistance provided by Frank Yako (@fyako).
Additional Information and Resources:
For additional information on the Information Security Summit, please visit us on the web at https://www.informationsecuritysummit.org/ or on Twitter (@InfoSecurSummit).  Planning is underway for the Summit 2020 scheduled for October 26 through October 30, 2020, please join us!

Title: Security Friends


This is a “special” Holiday episode of the Information Security Podcast which features host Rob Nettgen (@Robert_Nettgen) along with a special group of “Security Friends”.  The conversation is lively and entertaining with commentary on a number of recent cyber security news events.

Please join the Security Friends as the Information Security Podcast celebrates the end of 2019 and looks forward to the start of 2020.

Following this episode, we will be taking a short break for the Holidays and will return with a new episode of the Information Security Podcast on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.

Happy Holidays from the Information Security Podcast!

Sponsored By:

ASMGi (@ASMGi_CLE) and https://www.asmgi.com/

Briteskies (@NoBrownCow) and https://www.briteskies.com/

Recorded and Production By:

Evergreen Podcasts (@StreamEvergreen) at https://evergreenpodcasts.com/ and production assistance provided by Frank Yako (@fyako).

Additional Information and Resources:

For additional information on the Information Security Summit, please visit us on the web at https://www.informationsecuritysummit.org/ or on Twitter (@InfoSecurSummit).  Planning is underway for the Summit 2020 scheduled for October 26 through October 30, 2020, please join us!


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