Enterprise security teams rarely buy tools based purely on the current set of features and functions. They also assess the vendors' ability to deliver timely support and updates so the solution will continue to provide value over the entire investment period.  In particular, security solutions must be able to quickly adapt to shifts in technology, threat, and even workplace landscapes.  But how can you measure a vendors' ability to deliver on these vague, future requirements?

This week's guests on ThreatTalk will discuss how a security vendor's strategic investment in a cloud-native 'platform' can help address these longer-term customer requirements. After several weeks of analyst briefings and consultations, we will be joined by Troy Hager, Infoblox Sr. Director for Product Management - SaaS Platforms, and Krupa Srivatsan, Infoblox Director of Product Marketing-Strategy, to talk about the value of platforms in an agile world to ensure long-term value.

Tune in to the live event on LinkedIn every other Tuesday at 11:00 am (PST).  Subscribe to the ThreatTalk podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.