Strategy: Being able to Chunk Goals and Targets to perfected sizes 

how do () size their goals so they feel in control? 

Here are signs that your Strategy needs improvements: 

Unclear “10 new clients” -> You feel as if you don't have that control  Goals require too big of a step  “how do you make that happen?” No clear priorities  → A lot of projects on the boil You can never tell someone what you are actually doing todayYou agonize over how to get started daily. → Are you optimistic for the week ahead, and flounder?

That leads to 

Stuck in overwhelm 

Leading to 

 bright shiny object syndrome.  “everything is missing, search for a miracle - chasing distractions” instead of working on what your results for the week are. 

Then what happens is 

You become unrealistic "This has to happen by x." Where you feel the pressure and emotions drowning you, instead of thinking logically. Then the stress becomes severe. We get  impulsive, we are  chasing too many things, emotionally not handling the pressure, so one mistake can crash us down. 

Then we will feel one of two emotions: 

 Overwhelm turns to anger / we are  irritable/ taking it out on others, we have eruptions, we go berserk for small errands. Because it can feel as if we are drowning in conflicting priorities, so if people ask for one more thing we explode. Or the overwhelm turns into depression. We turn inward, feeling sadness and hopelessness, doubting our  ability, or premise what we are  doing, the niche, the whole idea, we have full-blown negative self-talk. 


So for this week: Reflect on if you have the right strategy on measuring your outcome, results. If not, we will discuss several strategies on how to do that in the coming days. IMPORTANT: If you are not where you want to be: Change the strategy. That's it. 

--> Once you make a specific plan your unconscious will be modified. 


Comment down below if this resonates, with what part.