Jessica Lederer is a nationally recognized expert on generational issues in the workplace and the Founder/CEO of Ingage Inc. Ingage Inc. helps organizations drive productivity and employee engagement during their office relocations by employing cutting edge change management and culture transformation techniques.

After a decade in Silicon Valley doing change management for leading firms, Jessica Lederer took her toolbox of cutting edge practices in strategic planning, culture change, and talent management on the road. She moved into a role at a real estate development firm and noticed a big gap in the business relocation space.

Transaction after transaction she found little support for the small businesses going through a relocation. This was the lightbulb moment and the idea from which Ingage Inc. was born.

Jessica has a doctoral degree in Human Resources Development and an MBA in International Business.

She is also author of "Unfairly Labeled: How Your Workplace Can Benefit From Ditching Generational Stereotypes."

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