Dave owns 8 businesses which have generated over a billion dollars collectively for over 1,000 clients, including major brands and fortune 100 companies like Target, Time Magazine and American Express.

When his doctor asked him at the age of 29 “Are you prepared for your heart attack?” He realized he needed to learn how to scale businesses without the stress killing him. Dave now runs his companies from the mountains next to a river and 3 waterfalls.

Using a conscious capitalism and unconventional marketing approach, he was able to rapidly grow his businesses by investing money into his people instead of paid advertising.

After selling his first business, he acquired 3 companies and has invested $3 million into companies this year. His mission is to employ over 200,000 people and revolutionize the way we reward good talent.

He wants to be so big that governments can’t ignore him because his companies take up too much of their GDP. Or, put simply … he wants to buy the freedom that was stolen by greedy individuals and corporations

Learn more: https://davevalentine.co/oo

Influential Entrepreneurs with Mike Saunders

Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-dave-valentine-ceo-speaker-business-coach-strategist