Dave is a sales expert, business strategy consultant, and author who has built five successful businesses during the past 30 years. Some of his most impressive ventures include taking a corporate housing company from start-up to over 50 million in annual revenue and leading a professional services firm from start-up to over 250 million in revenue.

As the founder of The Dave Lorenzo Company, Dave focuses on helping company executives develop high impact, growth strategy that increases revenue, deepens relationships, and builds lifelong client loyalty. He is a world-class
sales expert known for his proprietary 60 Second Sales System.

Dave is the host of The Inside BS Show – a Podcast that receives over 20,000 downloads each month and has listeners all over the world.

Learn More: http://www.DaveLorenzo.com
To get a free signed copy of his book the 1st 10 listeners to request it by email will receive one: [email protected]

Influential Influencers with Mike Saunders

Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-dave-lorenzo-talking-about-his-proprietary-60-second-sales-system