Dr. Nima Rahmany is best described as an “Edutainer,” and known by his fans as the “Rapping Stress Doctor,” Nima captivates and educates audiences of all ages with his unique ability to share his message of love, wisdom and life mastery through words, music and humor. “Instead of “learning to let go” – it’s wiser to learn to let love in.” “The final frontier of your healing journey is to make your mess your message.”

Dr. Nima has helped countless people in his 20+ years of practice as a Chiropractor and helps people who are stuck in toxic relationships who, career limbo, and emotional trauma overcome their anxiety and create powerfully aligned relationships by deepening their intimate relationship with the most important person of all: themselves.

Learn More: http://www.drnima.com

Influential Influencers with Mike Saunders