We are living in the golden age of content, where more material is produced in a day that any one person could digest in a lifetime. One estimate notes there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day (see what happens in an internet minute below). "Over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generated," wrote Bernard Marr in Forbes. 

Among that content are the articles and videos provided by mainstream media organisations. Journalists who once published daily provide hourly updates and court legions of followers. But amid the wash of content, trust in traditional media has evaporated. In a recent Knight-Gallup poll, trust in traditional media slid to its lowest position ever - with media rating just above Congress in trustworthiness.

"When people were asked why they don’t trust the media, about 45 percent referred to things like inaccuracy, bias, “fake news,” and “alternative facts,” the latter two being common descriptions given by Donald Trump and members of his administration," wrote Mathew Ingram in Columbia Journalism Review.

But there may be a solution. Blockchain is a digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly. Today the technology is closely associated with crypto-currencies, but in reality anything that can be produced can be verified via blockchain.

Listen to today's podcast to learn how #Blockchain can be used to overcome #FakeNews.

Po Chi Wu is a TedX speaker, author, venture capitalist, entrepreneur, and teacher. Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dr. Po Chi Wu leads educational programs in innovation and entrepreneurship for undergraduates, master’s degree candidates and corporate executives. A highly successful international venture capitalist and entrepreneur in both the United States and Asia, he brings a unique perspective with more than 30 years of experience with the challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For more from Po Chi Wu you can watch his popular talk from TEDx Hong Kong titled "Who Killed Curiosity?" below.