If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?

Have you ever struggled to stay motivated doing something you once loved? Do you find that factors that used to motivate you no longer have that effect? 

Motivation is generally defined as the force that compels us to action. It drives us to work hard and pushes us to succeed. Motivation influences our behavior and our ability to accomplish goals. There are many different forms of motivation. Each one influences behavior in its own unique way, and no single type of motivation works for everyone. People’s personalities vary and so does the type of motivation that is most effective at inspiring someone at any given time.  True motivation comes from within and is the topic of this weeks episode of influence.  

In this episode we talk about:

Why the majority of people struggle with motivation.
What does it mean to be in alignment?
The 4 components of Motivation

Aligning with purpose - the foundation of motivation.
Knowing your Value - reaching new levels of performance.
Initiative - 3 ingredients to conquer the challenge of staying motivated.
Perspective - Confidence, Assumptiveness, and Adversity - Mindsets that can make or break motivation. 

Influence - Salesmanship and the models that guide our interactions.

Thank you for listening to our show. Take a minute to join the discussion on our Influencers Facebook group and if there is someone you know that should be featured on our show, please reach out to me for details and a free signed copy of the Laws of Influence. Don’t forget to subscribe to our show and please come back next week for more Influence with Brad Harker.