"Find something meaningful that is good to do . . .you can do big things that make a big difference"  -Devin Thorpe 

Have you ever wanted to do something but felt like there was no way to earn a living doing it? Have you ever been convinced by friends or family not to do something that you knew in your heart you should? This week on Influence, I visit with Social Champion, Devin Thorpe. Devin is making a profound mark on the world everyday as a Forbes Contributor, journalist, speaker, and world-traveling volunteer. Beyond these major initiatives, Devin is focused on something else . . .something big. He is closing in on the common strategies behind histories biggest social initiatives and he is ready to share his discoveries with the world. These strategies explain why social entrepreneurship is taking businesses to new levels of profitability and how the cure for blindness, or polio might be just around the corner. Devin is one who broke free of the corporate handcuffs and set his sights on bringing change through service. His story will definitelyinspire you to find your calling and make your own mark on the world. 

In this episode, we talk about:

Finding success by following your passion, even if you don't know how to pay for it. 
The global impact of Social Entrepreneurship.
Social responsibility and how it can transform your business culture and boost your profitability. 
How entrepreneurs are essential to our hope to irradiate poverty, and create a better global future. 
What Devin is researching that will lead to our ability to cure polio, and eventually, cancer, blindness, and poverty.
The importance of social media to champion initiatives and global objectives. 

"When we add purpose, we get profit." -Devin Thorpe


Champion of Social Good | Journalist | Speaker

Devin was a finance guy until he realized life wasn’t all about money. Now a new media journalist, he calls himself a champion of social good. He travels the world as a volunteer doing service, as a journalist finding heroes and as a speaker sharing what he’s learned. As a Forbes Contributor he covers social entrepreneurship and impact investing, reaching an audience of over 1 million people. He’s produced over 600 episodes of his Your Mark on the World show featuring luminary change agents. His books—read almost 1 million times—draw on his entrepreneurial finance experience as an investment banker and CFO, helping people use money for good.


Website: www.devinthorpe.com
Twitter: @devinthorpe
Download free copies of Devin's books here: Amazon

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