We have all faced adversity and pain in our lives. Unfortunately, the majority of people succumb to adversity, and conform to a reality that is beneath their potential. Occasionally however, we find Influencers with the courage to face adversity, rise up, and dedicate their lives to empower others reach their potential.

Meet Ryan Michler. Ryan is a husband, father, Iraqi Combat Veteran, and the Founder of Order of Man. Growing up without a permanent father figure, Ryan was left to learn what he could from a few strong men in his life and become a man on his own. Says Ryan:

“I believe that most, if not all, of the world's biggest problems could be solved if males everywhere learned how to be better husbands, fathers, friends, and leaders.”

In this episode, I talk to Ryan about the origins of his rapidly growing “brotherhood,” Order of Man. We discuss the passion that drove him to interrupt a successful career as a financial planner, in order to follow his quest to restore honor and integrity to manhood. We explore the success he has found narrowing in on a niche, and capturing the attention of men throughout the world. We also talk about the habits and routines that have enabled Ryan to create a balanced and successful life for his family. Our interview explores Influence in the context of building a tribe (company, foundation, following, brand) and how to effectively take your great ambition to the next level.

“The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow.”  ― Seth Godin, Tribes



How to connect with Order of Man:

www.orderofman.com | www.facebook.com/orderofman | www.twitter.com/orderofman | www.instagram.com/orderofman

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