What does it take to succeed as an Entrepreneur? How can Influence help you achieve that success? Are there consistent strategies among top entrepreneurs that drive their success?  

My guest today, Ever Gonzalez, has interviewed thousands of entrepreneurs through his successful podcast Outlier On Air. Ever shares his journey starting as an entrepreneur by profession, to becoming an entrepreneur by passion. He talks about the differences between successful start-ups and failures, and shares concrete strategies that you can employ today to take your project or company to the next level.

In this episode we talk about:

Why Influence is an essential ingredient of entrepreneurship.
Why consistency is important to build a brand and following.
The "consistent" habits of successful entrepreneurs.
How to make a transition from your “job” towards an entrepreneurial “passion.”
How to overcome adversity and succeed in entrepreneurship.

Shownotes: https://bradharker.com/2015/11/influence-001-influence-entrepreneurship-ever-gonzalez/

Website: www.bradharker.com

Outlier: www.outliermagazine.co