Hi everyone!

Picking your course topic is one of the hardest things you can do. Don't take too long to choose, don't rush it, pick something that's needed in the market but not something that's oversaturated. But what if you don't even know where to start? Maybe you don't have a special skill or are just a "normal" person... but we have a way to help you pick YOUR topic that fits you and will make an impact on your audience!

If you're looking to learn how to make passive income with digital products so you can get your time and business back, watch our free masterclass and book a call to speak with us about your goals and see if you're a fit for our program, Influencer Course Accelerator, which takes you through the EXACT steps needed to launch a successful online course and make passive income.

Watch it here: https://influencercourseaccelerator.com/influencer-course-accelerator-masterclass-registration/