Pastors often hear complaints about church from members of their congregations. These negative comments can create a doom-and-gloom mentality among church leaders, as if everything in their congregation is going wrong. According to The Congregational Scorecard, a new report from Grey Matter Research & Consulting and Infinity Concepts, the reality is quite the opposite. “[T]he vast majority of American evangelical Protestant churchgoers are actually largely satisfied with their church,” says the report. “An average of 74% of evangelical Protestants do not want their church to change in each of the 14 areas we explored”

In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I’m talking to Ron Sellers about what pastors and church leaders should learn from The Congregational Scorecard. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.

Ron Sellers is president of Grey Matter Research & Consulting in Phoenix, Arizona. He is lead researcher of The Congregational Scorecard: What Evangelicals Want in a Church, published in partnership with Infinity Concepts.

My conversation with him is coming up after a brief word from our sponsor.




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