How is it that we can stay centered, even if we feel someone is getting in our way? In this talk, Michael discusses the tipping point at which we become more interested in our own reactions to unconsciousness rather than the unconsciousness being perpetrated against us. When this practice becomes grounded in our experience we find that we don't crave. Since we don't crave, we lose the thing that fuels our suffering. Questions from the audience deal with how we can differentiate between being indifferent and at peace; different personality types and their challenges in practicing stillness; and, uncovering the subtle differences between greed and aversion.

How is it that we can stay centered, even if we feel someone is getting in our way? In this talk, Michael discusses the tipping point at which we become more interested in our own reactions to unconsciousness rather than the unconsciousness being perpetrated against us. When this practice becomes grounded in our experience we find that we don’t crave. Since we don’t crave, we lose the thing that fuels our suffering. Questions from the audience deal with how we can differentiate between being indifferent and at peace; different personality types and their challenges in practicing stillness; and, uncovering the subtle differences between greed and aversion.