The words of the Buddhist sage Nagarjuna can suggest that the only way for the Ultimate Truth to become significant to us is if we take great care to know the conventional truth. In this talk, Michael points out that Nagarjuna's words suggest that we need to become intimate with all things, especially our enemies, in order to Awaken. This difficult but necessary step is our opening to Spirit. Nietzsche similarly suggests that "once we stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss stares back". Living from and through this point of intimacy with all things opens our hearts and minds consciously to the Infinite. Questions relate to our movement from points of resistance into points of release in our lives; wondering where we are on the Path; and driving our cars as spiritual practice.

The words of the Buddhist sage Nagarjuna can suggest that the only way for the Ultimate Truth to become significant to us is if we take great care to know the conventional truth. In this talk, Michael points out that Nagarjuna’s words suggest that we need to become intimate with all things, especially our enemies, in order to Awaken. This difficult but necessary step is our opening to Spirit. Nietzsche similarly suggests that “once we stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss stares back”. Living from and through this point of intimacy with all things opens our hearts and minds consciously to the Infinite. Questions relate to our movement from points of resistance into points of release in our lives; wondering where we are on the Path; and driving our cars as spiritual practice.