Sometimes there's things that you will come across in your life that just don’t make much sense and dealing with an unknown upright walking giant Ape in the woods of North America is hard enough to believe, I get it. But what about those other creatures that are reported with regularity throughout time. Ones that fly, swim, warp in and out of this dimension. What about Giant moths, or ancient prehistoric giants, birds or dinosaurs that soar through the sky and are reported in different geographical areas and different times to have swooped down just to grab a family pet or worse, sometimes it's an actual member of the family. Out of all of the things that go bump in the night, there is one category that really trips me up. One that is shaped like us, walks like us, and may even think like us. But one thing is for sure, it doesn’t look like us and it for sure didn’t come from our family tree. Nope, these things remind us more about lizards, amphibians, reptilian aliens, and even dinosaurs. These are the things really going bump in the night, the things that are truly made of nightmare fuel, the things that could possibly be another evolutionary line of a dinosaur or lizard that we are completely unaware of that could have potentially evolved intelligence as good or better than ours. These are the Reptoids of the Cryptozoological world.
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