Growing Down is my new favorite podcast. It brings together integral philosophy with progressive politics. (If you're a progressive who's dissatisfied with the Left, this show's for you!)

And not only do I get to love listening to Growing Down — I recently got to love being interviewed on the show!

Infinite Lunchbox presents Growing Down featuring yours truly: a conversation about the 'integral left' philosophy that inspires my work, may inspire the likes of ContraPoints and Krystal Ball, and can help us navigate the culture wars.

Show Notes:
• Growing Down Podcast — an integral exploration of politics and transformation:
• Reckonings — a podcast exploring how we shift our political worldviews, transcend extremism, and make other kinds of transformative change:
• Uncanceling Contrapoints — Infinite Lunchbox episode on how ContraPoints embodies integral philosophy:
• Yours truly on a subsequent Growing Down episode — a roundtable discussion on public safety, racial justice, gender equality, and consensus-building:

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