Edward Rooster is one of our favourite writers. His themes include the future, mythology, time and history. He has written two books, Box of Stars and Harvest, and he is currently working on a third.

Edward joins the show to discuss embracing uncertainty, avoiding becoming Icarus, unsticking yourself from time, and MUCH more!

Important Links:

Edward’s Mirror
Edward’s Substack
Edward’s Typeshare
Edward’s Twitter
The Days Dad Started Over
Leaving Eternity’s Parking Lot
You Do Not Have to Be Perfect
Looking Back from the Future

Show Notes:

The Days Dad Started Over: Why Edward started writing
Edward’s book writing process
Unsticking yourself from time
Sources of storytelling inspiration
Embracing uncertainty
Avoiding the content trap
The ‘create you own adventure’ approach to writing
[Finding inspiration in music]
Storytelling & common knowledge
Writing as found art
Not as much matters as we think it does
How can we avoid becoming Icarus?
Editing; Editors
The opportunities of generative AI
MUCH more!

Books Mentioned:

Stray Reflections; by Jawad Mian
Box of Stars; by Edward Rooster
Harvest; by Edward Rooster
Retrieve; by Edward Rooster
What Works on Wall Street: A Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time; by Jim O’Shaughnessy
Cloud Atlas; by David Mitchell
The Great Gatsby; by F. Scott Fitzgerald
American Gods; by Neil Gaiman
Reality Hunger; by David Shields
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance; by Robert Pirsig
Looking Backward; by Edward Bellamy

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