It's the holidays and there's no news to talk about so the guys reminisce about the early days of the Internet and what their first experiences were on it.

It's the holidays and there's no news to talk about so the guys reminisce about the early days of the Internet and what their first experiences were on it.


Wired's archive from 1993 — One of these issues was Brian's first introduction to the word "Internet"Netscape Navigator - Wikipedia — The First Browser!Usenet - Wikipedia — Basically what made us computer nerds in the early 90's
Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia — This was Slack before there was Slack ... back in the early 90'sGopher (protocol) - Wikipedia — For us old folks, THIS was the web in 1994WebCrawler - Wikipedia — One of the first search engines everMTV v. Curry — MTV had to sue Adam Curry to get mtv.comDell Wyse - Wikipedia — How we would get on the primitive internetSeason One Sketches - The Cause of Cancer — My mid-90s contribution to the Kids in the Hall FAQPowWow (chat program) - Wikipedia — Brad's first chat programYahoo! - Wikipedia — Our landing page for "the Internet" in the early 90sHANDOUT: How to Use E-mail at Ole Miss — How to use email from the early 90's at Ole Miss ... this is what we had to go through way back when.