This is Series #1 and Episode #1 of infinite imagination.

The show:

- Gives the definition of infinite imagination, including the dictionary definition of 'infinite' and 'imagination'

- Identifies that we are going to focus on 'imagination' on this episode

- Uses the anecdote of the spider and the tiger as a powerful allegory of the term

- Answers the questions - Why, What, Who and How of the topic

- Discusses the importance of the subconscious, it's power, and the roles the mind and the brain plays in all this

- Explains the 10 vital roles imagination plays, how we can be more creative and the tools to use

- Reveals our top 10 quotes of imagination and the three ain categories they are grouped into. More importantly, it reveals who made the list.

- Summarises the show and reminds us that you are never too old or too young to value and exercise the power infinite imagination 

Ultimately, our goal in this episode is to immerse ourselves in the topic of imagination.