Join us this episode as we talk about the coffee cup: the exciting, but maybe too-small, return of blaseball! We also set the dials on our time machines to seasons 8 and 9, and continue of our blaseball history retrospective.

This episode: the saga of salmon steve, too-short coffee breaks, relative hype levels, how we actually watch blaseball, RIV every keeper, pitching machinecourse, tacos never sleep, talking with the microphone, the Fridays win six blessings but are still cursed, Blaseball becomes anime, and is the hall monitor a himbo?

~shoutouts zone~

The story of Salmon Steve

Cold Brew Crew winter wear by Aubz

Haunt Wednesday

Oops All Keepers twitter

Pitching Machine Team Tour Stickerbomb

Season Ate Anti-Propaganda

Blaseball: The Musical


Our theme music comes from the wonderful @HokutoHero.

We get something wrong, or just have something to add? Send your questions / comments / corrections to [email protected].

Follow us on twitter at @CitiesPod, or just come say hi to us in discord in the Taco Stand Discord. We are featherwings#3879, WillofChris#6129, KarpskryparN#2963, and Gary#7675, and we are Infinite Cities Blaseball.

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